...as far north on the east for us.
Roadside Lookout heading to Cooktown
Keatings Lagoon
Jacarra (Jesus Bird) at Keatings Lagoon
Sunset at Keatings Lagoon
Crab Marks in Sand at Cherry Tree Bay
Butterfly along Cherry Tree Trail
Cooktown from Grassy Hill Lookout
Butterfly along Cherry Tree Trail
Butterfly along Cherry Tree Trail
Butterfly in Flight along Cherry Tree Trail
Skink along Cherry Tree Trail in Cooktown
Cherry Tree Bay
Milbi Wall - Aboriginal Stories
Cedar Bay NP
Hiking through Rainforest to Cedar Bay
One of Many River Crossings to Cedar Bay
Fan Palms along Trail
Sunrise at Cedar Bay
Julie Having a Bath
Sunrise at Cedar Bay NP
Breakfast at Cedar Bay
Julie Hanging
Machete Time
Drinking Coconut Water at Cedar Bay
Food from Hippies at Cedar Bay
Funky Spider at Cedar Bay
Cedar Bay Coastline
Cane Toad
Morning Yoga at Cedar Bay NP
Hiking Out of Cedar Bay
Keatings Lagoon is quite the lily pond! Great butterfly photos....I think I've seen the blue one at the Butterfly Conservatory. Gorgeous photo of the fan palms. That spider looks like a trantula! Yikes! I was looking forward to some "coconut skinning" closeups. lol
by dadnmom