A Travellerspoint blog

Quest for paradice...the long hike out

Na Pali Coast – Kalalau Trail – Day 4

semi-overcast 28 °C

Today was the hike out of Na Pali Coast State Park. We packed up camp, and once again with heavy backpacks started the trek out. The trail was slippery from the rain which lasted all night and into the early morning. So the hiking was slower, and the trail seemed as though it had become narrower over the past 2 days. Back through the valleys, over the sea cliffs, and across the streams we headed. The sun beat down on us forcing us to soak our shirts and hats at every stream crossing. We reached the 2 mile point (Hanakapi'ai Beach) by noon and decided to take a break and eat.


Once satisfied and ready to move on, we took off our hiking boots and crossed the raging Hanakapi'ai River. The last 2 miles seemed like forever. But we made it to Ke'e Beach, dumped our bags in our car, and took a dip in the ocean to cool off. During the hike we met some trekkers from Florida. We ended up hiking most of the way out with them, and dropping them off Hanalei. We stopped in Princeville to gorge on some amazing Thai food to gain back the calories burned on the exhausting hike. After dinner we drove to Anini Beach to set up camp and enter a coma. Total hike today: 6 miles

Posted by ontarions 15:31 Archived in USA

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