Quest for paradice
NaPali Coast – Kalalau Trail – Day 1
31.08.2010 - 31.08.2010 28 °C
Mid-afternoon we started the 2 mile trek to Hanakapi'ia Beach. This trail winded up and down a mountain providing majestic views. Once we arrived, we set up camp, and quickly headed up the 1 mile trek to the waterfall.
We were last ones to head up the trail, as the sun was setting, the race was on. Once we arrived, we realized it was well worth the muddy trek through bamboo forest and massive trees. The thunder of the water rushing by. We had to cross the major stream by jumping from rock to rock. The falls were phenomenal, spraying mist everywhere. Nate took a quick dip and off we were to try to make it back to camp before sunset. Total hike today: 4 miles
This is now Sept. 5th and we just received your Aug 31st there does seem to be a delay in the server. We do enjoy reading your blogs. We shared them with the Mitchell's and Kobe's today. Love you!
by dadnmom