Exploring A New World...
01.10.2010 - 01.10.2010 17 °C
After a small layover in Auckland, our plane touches down in Christchurch at around 10 AM. We have arrived to our home for the next 7 or so months. It is a beautiful sunny spring morning and as we walk to the hostel we notice considerable damage to churches and brick buildings from the previous earth quake. Many buildings are fenced off and many structures are being supported to prevent further damage.
After dropping our bags off at Foley Towers, our hostel, we head out to pick up some groceries and check out a market downtown. Everyone we approach for help is extremely friendly and chatty. But Julie needs to work on trying to understand the NZ accents, as she mixed up “capital letters” for “captain lettuce” and “check-in” sounds like “chicken”. Makes for a good laugh trying to follow some Kiwi conversations. Our first day in NZ ends early, as we are exhausted from travelling and walking all over town. We can already tell Christchurch is a beautiful city, and can't wait to explore it further.
Posted by ontarions 01:34 Archived in New Zealand
we hadn't heard from you for a while. glad you made it safe and sound.
attended David Hewitt and Jen's ? wedding on the weekend. (10.10.10) this date apparently means "perfection" held in Kingston. fed us a turkey dinner with pumpkin pie. Harriett Mitchell officiated
by rcrdurham