North Shore Hostel that is what showering is.
19.09.2010 - 19.09.2010 25 °C
We have a huge breakfast of eggs, bacon, okra, cactus, potato and onion. Wow, eggs are awesome. The rain is falling and there is no sun is sight for what seems like the first time in forever. Julie wants to hit a church service, so out we go. After church and hanging out at the hostel for a couple hours, we head out in the rain again in search of the Iao Needle within Iao Valley State Park, a sacred place for Hawaiians.
A thousand yrs ago the Hawaiians would gather in Iao Valley to celebrate the bounty of Lono, god of agriculture. The mana is hawaiian for garden, the photo shows plants in tiered gardens used by the Hawaiians. Kalo (taro) was the staple crop, and the wetland variety was cultivated on levelled earthen terraces. Water was diverted from the stream to flood the terraces though ditches. The Iao Needle is not hard to find, the 2250 foot felty-green pillar of a mountain attracts a lot of attention from tourists. During warfare, the peak of the Iao Needle was used as a lookout by warriors. One bloody battle that took place here was when Kamehameha (Google him) conquered over the Maui warriors in his drive to control the island chain.
On the way back from the Iao Needle, we check out some Hawaiian masonry. These volcanic stones look like they have be harvested off a beach somewhere. Well done.
I would like one of those nice round volcanic rocks!
by dadnmom