Help finding our path...
...the Hawaiian Huna
11.09.2010 - 11.09.2010 29 °C
Teressa took us up to Kula, to one of her favourite breakfast spots, Grandma's Coffee House. This place is located high above the ocean on the way to Haleakala crater. It was amazing, the food was great, there was a live guitarist, and we had an amazing view as we sat out on the sunny patio. Our conversation was filled with healthy living, life coaching, detoxing, yoga sessions and the Hawaiian huna.
The Hawaiian Huna comes from an old Hawiaiian philosphy. Huna is the God force that permeated all life, the invisible life essence. She mentioned that each island has its own individual energy, its own destiny.
We discussed with Teressa the reason for taking this one year travel. We mentioned how we are just reaching 30 years old and are finding ourselves overworked, stressed out, overloaded, and felt we need to take a year travel and find out what we really want in life. It seems that the North American society is working themselves into an early grave, and we don't want to be sucked in. We are hoping to figure out our purpose, and maybe our ideal careers. So Teressa gave me a book to skim through by William Charles, The Secrets of Hawaii: a call to the soul / Pila of Hawaii (1995). Keeping in mind this was written before 1995, he wrote that “as civilization escalates to a turning point and the turn of a millenium, we find ourselves overworked, overfed, overstimulated, and overwhelmed. The physical world of crops has become a mental world of computerized automation. The time we take to relax, refresh, renew, becomes more and more important.” Wow, this was bang on! He writes that perhaps the islands may be the rejuvination centre for the troubled world, as people who need rejuvination tend to find themselves travelling or living on the Hawaiian islands. Maybe that's why we are here, to rejuvinate the body, mind, and spirit.
We mentioned to Teressa how we started our travels in Kauai. She found that interesting because according to the huna, Kauai is the island for retreat and meditation. It is the place to reverse thinking, to see differently, to put life into perspective, to reflect upon one's destiny. Seems like we started out in the right place.
Being that we are currently in Maui, we read about the energy of Maui. Turns out that Maui is about the appropriate and respectful use of sexual energy, feeling good about your sexuality, its the seat of your creativity and the frequency of expression. And Hawaii is the island of fire, which seems to fit well as it is home of the volcano. This is the island of purification and processing. Everywhere else the energy is bottled up and ready to explode but on the Big Island the energy is naturally vented. This island with such incredible energy, tends to stir deep emotion w/i the individual. Interesting stuff.
Teressa mentioned that things in life just fall into place. You find yourself in places where you are meant to be. From what I've read about huna, it seems like we were meant to travel to Hawaii. And it seems like we planned the order to travel the islands in a way that suits our needs best according to the huna.
After all that conversation, she then took us to one of her favourite places to chillax, a lavender farm. Again, the views were outstanding looking down the gradual mountain slope over Maalaea Bay and the surrounding towns. She takes us on the long route back to her place, to show us some other interesting Maui towns.
Teressa is very inspirational, and her home is filled with inspirational notes about what she has learned that day. She writes one after each day ends. She lives life day by day, with no expectations, and believes that whatever happens is meant to happen, so make the best out of the situation. She is very laid back and we shared lots of stories, experiences, information and laughs. After some veggie burgers we call it a night and fall asleep to some soothing tunes which Teressa plays every evening while falling asleep.